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Differentiation (Metric)

Class Details

Tom Baker

Learn, or revise, differentiation from first principles, techniques of differentiation and using differentiation to sketch curves and solve problems.


The gradient of a curve as the limit of the gradient of a secant or chord. This is an A-level topic, but sometimes a bit neglected at that level.


Differentiating key functions, and sums, products, quotients and composites. This is an A-level topic, which Science and Engineering courses at Imperial will assume you know.

Differentiating functions of the form \(a\,f(x)+b\,g(x)\).


Differentiating functions of the form \(f(x)\,g(x)\).

Lesson Not yet graded

Differentiating functions of the form \(f(x)/g(x)\).

Lesson Not yet graded

Differentiating functions of the form \(f(g(x))\).


Putting the rules of differentiation to use.


Differentiating functions given implicitly, in equations of the form \(f(x,\,y)=0\).

Lesson Not yet graded

The \(n\)th derivative of a product.

Lesson Not yet graded

Key results to do with differentiation.

Lesson Not yet graded


Using differentiation to find stationary points and points of inflexion on curves, and to solve problems involving velocity and acceleration. This is an A-level topic, which Science and Engineering courses at Imperial will assume you know.

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